Thursday, October 12, 2006

SEO: Linking the new generation of keywords

I would recommand you to read the previous posts.
Using the right Keywords and adding metatags is surely very important to get recognized by search engines but it is not the only thing to do to get good ranks for a website. 6 years ago it was enough to get good ranks. Nowadays. Linking has become much more important. The more "good" links you have, the more attractive your page becomes for a search engine! That doesn’t mean that you try to spam 1000+ of your links all over the Internet.

10 "good" links would beat 1000+ non quality links.

This means if you have good articles and a website with quality content about "car-history", you can search the Internet for high ranked, long established car online markets. Ask them to provide them frequently with “News” articles about car history; in return, you would like them to link to you. The high rank of these sites will help you to raise your page ranking.

It would have no sense to look for high ranked pages that provide a topic that has nothing to do with your page. This is the actual way of using keywords.

But you should keep one important thing in mind. It has no sense to put your page online and start hunt for links, without providing something useful/ unique! Take it a little bit slower, write a good text, and work on your layout. You’re not interested in getting a visitor just ones to your website!

To be continued….

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I kindda started shifting a bit towards alexarank's bar. It shows you the website's real traffic rank....unlike google's page rank, which someone can achieve high status in, by only exchanging links...


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