Monday, October 16, 2006

Beware of these Ads

Hello and welcome to this new post.
One of the most common methods to make some bucks from the homepage or blog, is by putting some adsense ads on them. You can select between different formats and bla bla bla and so on. You know,... the general stuff. Read in the google adsense help about how and where to place the ads on your page.
The point of the whole stuff is: How to get the right ads?
Surely Adsense is contextual ( that means you get ads related to the keywords of your site content) but not every click on the ads would make you the same money! Depending on your niche, you`ll get related ads, not every niche pays the same amount for a click!
Normally good, professional sites(authority sites) pay more for a click on their ads.
That means: Visit the sites of the ads, beware; don`t click on your own ads. Type the url in your adresse bar. Find out which pages are crap, there are also some, which are only made for adsense ads. These pages only pay about 1-5 cent per click.
What to do next? Login into your adsense account and block the ads of these sites. Google allows you to block about 200 sites.
The ads, that remain would be mostly from sites that pay more per click. In this case you double or tripple your income with the same amount of clicks.
To be continued....

Thursday, October 12, 2006

SEO: Linking the new generation of keywords

I would recommand you to read the previous posts.
Using the right Keywords and adding metatags is surely very important to get recognized by search engines but it is not the only thing to do to get good ranks for a website. 6 years ago it was enough to get good ranks. Nowadays. Linking has become much more important. The more "good" links you have, the more attractive your page becomes for a search engine! That doesn’t mean that you try to spam 1000+ of your links all over the Internet.

10 "good" links would beat 1000+ non quality links.

This means if you have good articles and a website with quality content about "car-history", you can search the Internet for high ranked, long established car online markets. Ask them to provide them frequently with “News” articles about car history; in return, you would like them to link to you. The high rank of these sites will help you to raise your page ranking.

It would have no sense to look for high ranked pages that provide a topic that has nothing to do with your page. This is the actual way of using keywords.

But you should keep one important thing in mind. It has no sense to put your page online and start hunt for links, without providing something useful/ unique! Take it a little bit slower, write a good text, and work on your layout. You’re not interested in getting a visitor just ones to your website!

To be continued….

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

SEO: optimize the Title, keywords

I recommand to read the previous SEO post first.
Choose the right title for every page. The title of a page contains the keywords, that would attract you to the major search engines. The title is also very relevant to visitors. It should be powerful enough to let the people read the text below. An avarage user decides after 7 seconds to stay on- or to leave a page! Using the keywords that you want to target in your text will also help you to get more traffic on your page. ´but don´t be silly and spam it senseless on your page. That wouldn`t work.
Subscribing Articles to several pages, is also a very popular way to advertise your page. Write and subscribe an article, using the keywords of your page to several webpages. Put the link of your page on the bottom of your page, so readers may use it to go to your site. Just search google for such article platforms. Hot tip: ArticleCity, search it or other ones in google or yahoo. There are many, and the best thing is, you can submitt the same article to several pages.
So that´s enough for today, trying the tips above will take you some time.
See tommorow: Things to know before choosing a host provider.

Monday, October 09, 2006

SEO for Noobs

SEO or search engine optimization, are methods to attract the attention of web pages to search engines. There are some ways to optimize the text and layout of a webpage. Nothing is more painful than having a web page with good text content, but no major search engine recognizes you. That’s why I started this blog to summarize my researches on SEO on one blog. The following lessons will make newcomers familiar with search engine optimization. I will try use a simple language to make it also non native speakers of the English language easy to follow the instructions.

Top of the Pops of SEO Tips

There are many ways to make search engines recognize you.

Blog building , a very successful method, which is very popular. Search the web for webpages, which allow link exchange and build up a chain, so your site is visible anywhere on WWW. While building a database of WebPages, make sure, that these pages are relevant to your topic.

Use the right keywords. Keywords are words which are used from Internet users to search something in search engines. Do a keyword research; think about which words or word combination, you would use to find information or products. There are also several keyword selection tools on the Internet which may help you finding the keywords. You should use the keyword you need in the content of your page. Don’t spam it senseless on your page! You may also use variations/ synonyms of it in your text. Watch tomorrow some relevant links to some keyword tools.

Tommorow I`ll continue with the tops of the SEO Basics.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

SEO News

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to my new SEO Blog. Recieve here every day the hottest SEO tips to increase your Page Ranking (PR). We ´ll start tomorrow.

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