Thursday, March 08, 2007

Using Meta Tags?

In this post we'll talk about onpage optimization. The biggest part of onpage optimization takes place in the code of your website, so HTML basics are a must to understand this post.

Meta Tags

The Meta tags "keyword and description" have lost their importance since the first days of Search Engine Optimization. This applys more to the metatag-"keyword". This metatag is used in the code of the website and is hidden for the website visitor, that`s why it could be used easyly to influence the search results in SE. There are many people today who completely neglect the meta tag "Keyword". Never the less it should be still used for new sites. Mainly the discription- meta tag should be still used, because it is shown in the Search Engine search results and there you may get more attention to your site. In my case it is ("hot seo news for noobs"). That´s why the description metatag should be chosen well and describe your homepages with a view words or a whole sentence. Use a maximum of 200-250 characters for the two meta tags.

Es gibt noch weitere Meta-Tags die aber keine direkte Auswirkung auf das Ranking haben. So kann der robots-Metatag genutzt werden um den Suchmaschinen verschiedene Anweisungen zu geben. Zumindest die großen Suchmaschinen sollten sich daran halten. Mit folgendem Meta-Tag kann man die Suchmaschinen dazu anweisen die Seite nicht zu indexieren: In diesem Fall sollte allerdings auch die robots.txt genutzt werden. Nach der Datei robots.txt suchen die Suchmaschinen-Robots im Stammverzeichnis einer Domain, also zum Beispiel unter "". Mit Hilfe der Datei robots.txt kann man die Suchmaschinen-Robots anweisen bestimmte Verzeichnisse und Dateien nicht zu indexieren. Die robots.txt könnte zum Beispiel wie folgt aussehen:

There are some more meta tags, but they don`t influence your PR directly. There is for exampla the robot -metatag that is used to give the SE robots commands. Mainly the robots of large SE would use the robots tag. In every case the robots.txt should be used, so they can crawl in the root directory of the page. This would loo like" With the help of robots.txt you can command the robots not to index some sites, you don´t want to be indexed. That may look like:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /directoryx/
Disallow: /fileix.html

In this case the robots are commanded not to index the directoryX and the file filex.html.

Another useful tag is:

"< meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache ">"

So the search engines would cache your site and only show results with adirect link to your website.

Check out this meta tag generator.

ps: I think we should also talk one time about the SEO guide to Google's supplemental results, LSI aspect of SEO copywriting, and I ll tell you a weird SEO story about the Iranian Google bomb.

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