Monday, January 22, 2007

Google and Microsoft do massive investions into new Datacenters!

Location: Mountain View/Kalifornia, and Redmond/Washington
Although the Search Engine War between Google and MSN. The two giants announced yesterday a massive investion of $ 1.15 billions into new Data Centers. They are preparing themselfes for the increasing data traffic, caused by the increasing online services by the onlinemarkets and the fast growth of people who use the Internet.

Googles new Data Center will be built in Lenoir/ North Carolina and will cost about 600 Million $. In the last few years Google invested about 800 Million $ into optimizing his infrastructure.
The gouverment of North Carolina attracted Google with a tax allowance of 100 Million Dollar.
but the state of North Carolina has also the disadvantage of only moderate electricity prices, which are Google's significant expenses.

Microsoft chose San Antonio/Texas and investierts 550 Millionen Dollar. The Datacenter there should be mainly a base for the following growth of Microsoft's Live-services like for Windows- Updates, Office-Updates, the Search Engine MSN, and Microsoft's E-Mail Service Hotmail.

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