Tuesday, October 10, 2006

SEO: optimize the Title, keywords

I recommand to read the previous SEO post first.
Choose the right title for every page. The title of a page contains the keywords, that would attract you to the major search engines. The title is also very relevant to visitors. It should be powerful enough to let the people read the text below. An avarage user decides after 7 seconds to stay on- or to leave a page! Using the keywords that you want to target in your text will also help you to get more traffic on your page. ´but don´t be silly and spam it senseless on your page. That wouldn`t work.
Subscribing Articles to several pages, is also a very popular way to advertise your page. Write and subscribe an article, using the keywords of your page to several webpages. Put the link of your page on the bottom of your page, so readers may use it to go to your site. Just search google for such article platforms. Hot tip: ArticleCity, search it or other ones in google or yahoo. There are many, and the best thing is, you can submitt the same article to several pages.
So that´s enough for today, trying the tips above will take you some time.
See tommorow: Things to know before choosing a host provider.

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